Gosh I love fall….

I just love when people travel to see me.  :)  I was thrilled to meet Claire and her two beautiful boys while she was visiting her parents from Connecticut.  Claire works in Manhattan and must know of a gazillion photographers she could have chosen to photograph her, so I feel so honored to have been trusted to capture these moments.  My breathe caught in my throat for a quick moment when I walked to the backyard of her parents home and saw that unbelievably gorgeous foliage had fallen all over almost every inch of grass…with plenty left on the trees to provide a gorgeous backdrop.  The warm colors and matching personalities made this session super fun!  While I’m not a fan of the cold weather, you won’t hear me complain (too loudly) when it lends itself to images like these!


Claire Greenspan Bamundo -

So so beautiful! It was wonderful having you visit my parents house–these pictures are tremendous, can’t wait to see the entire gallery. Thank you!

Karen Roeske Di Palma -

Wow what perfect photos! Beautiful family!


James is back!  I just LOVE seeing this little guy every six months.  He is such a little man these days.  BEST expressions ever.  I totally adore the heck out of him.  I think it literally poured up until like seconds before our session began…so it was grey, grey grey and soaking wet.  But we made the very best of it and I don’t think he looks any less happy than had we waited for a sunny day.  OH wait…what’s a sunny day again?  Yeah…it seems like it’s been just that long.  October has not been nice to me or my fall clients!  Luckily, my clients ROCK and we make the best of even the grayest of skies. :))))



Victoria Engel-Fowles -

OH.MY.GOODNESS! These came out AWESOME! Take THAT, rainy day! :-) He (tractor) had (tractor) so (tractor) much (tractor) fun (tractor) that (tractor) day (tractor – hear that word enough? lol)! I cannot thank you enough. YOU ROCK!

Carley Murray -

Oh. My! You guys look amazing! So cute. Ps: my boyfriend’s eye just melt my heart! Such a cute fam! *mwah*

Erin Coppinger -

He is just the cutest little guy!!!!!! Great pics!! :)

Jamie Lalos -

Very cute, Vic :)

Linda Maine Scialdone -

Soo big!! Great pics

Christine McAuliffe -

Oh my god the cuteness!!!!!

Jane Taylor -

OMG! is right, Torie! Great to see you all! :D <3

Carol Lukas -

James is so sweet…such a happy fellow! <3

Kasey Thompson Hunt -

Such a beautiful family

Amanda Miller Schlegel -

So beautiful! Love how he looks at his mommy w such love and wonder.

Fall Minis are Back!

Finalizing the nitty gritties this week so check back soon for more specific information…for now, save the date!


Goldilocks x 3

People often ask if I’m having a third child.  My answer has always been the same…no stinkin’ way!  I am thrilled with my two little ladies and would be deathly afraid of breaking their amazing connection by introducing a third.  But I’ll admit, seeing these three gorgeous ladies together made me think for like half a second that three would seem pretty darn great.  They were so wonderful with one another…especially their patience with little 15 month old Maddalena, who was just learning to waddle around after her big sisters.

I really loved this session for so many reasons.  First, mom and I go way back to our days at St. Rose and have had our paths cross many times in the 8 years (ouch) since…so I was delighted to hear from her about setting up a surprise session for Fathers Day (yep, I’m just that far behind on some of my blogs!).  Second, her sense of fashion is like no other.  I mean, these girls looked ahhhhhh-mazing.  I’ll be lying if I wasn’t a teensy bit in awe of her style sense as I peeked down at my tattered jeans, flip flops and tank during our session, but hey, we are who we are right?  And lastly, she let them go barefoot.  Which I LOVED because, well, I don’t know exactly why, but perhaps shoes would have seemed over the top maybe with the outfits…and the dirty bare feet just kept the images so perfectly real.  :)


Susan Harding DiGesare -

I love these girls (maybe because they are my granddaughters?) Beautiful pictures of three special girls in my life!

Rebecca Davies -

They are gorgeous xx.

Alicia Amedore -


Gail Elizabeth Greeley -

Just stumbled upon this and recognised these 3 little ones. Beautiful pictures. I am looking for a new photographer!


First off, I LOVE the name Marley.  If I were to have a third (which I’m NOT), and it was a girl…this would make top three on my list.  It’s just adorable.  We met up at the Pruyn House in Latham.  I don’t often think of this location during the summer months as it’s such an amazing fall location, so I had forgotten how gorgeous the gardens are there during the warmer months!  It was a perfect location for this bouncy toddler.  No matter which way she turned, you couldn’t go wrong.  Hope y’all love looking at these images as much as I loved editing them.  :)


I’ll let the images pretty much speak for themselves on this one and just say that they were the perfect bunch for a sunset session at one of my favorite spots.  A great mix of goofy, fun and loads of personality.  I loved every minute capturing this family and hope they love their images as much as I do!

Andrea Lilienthal Bruce -


Patricia Fredette Golding -


Vickie Thompson Fisher -

Wonderful pictures! Beautiful family!

Heather Massaro -

What beautiful pictures!

Double the Fun

Ok, may be dating myself here, but who remembers the doublemint gum commercials?  They cracked me up.  Still do.  Youtube it…it’ll crack you up too.  So my point…whenever I see twins, that song immediately pops into my mind and I giggle.  These two left me with no shortage of giggles.  They were so  ridiculously well behaved for three year olds I couldn’t even stand it.

So, without further ado….double your pleasure.  :)




Peg Rosamilia -

Really sweet little girls. God Bless your family Marty :o).

Beverly Gibson Lee -

None of them were actually twins, go figure.

More Sam. :)

Remember these two??

Together, they made Sam.   I was one of the lucky ones who got to meet him just a few days after his entrance into the world.  And boy was he stinkin’ cute!

Erin Sonner -


Linda Weiler Dailey -

What beautiful magical photos. How blessed they are & how happy they all look. God’s Blessing to all 3 of them!

Carolyn Trombley -

These pictures are absolutely beautiful.

Mary Ann Daly -

You and Karl must be so happy! God bless all of you.

Donna Gaylord Krokowski -

Thanks @[1400822529:2048:Mary Ann Daly]! We are elated!!! He’s a precious baby for sure…

Marlene Shaver -

the pictures are beautifu what a beautiful family.

Linda Rook Kriwox -

These pictures are so beautiful….as well as your little grandson!

Eskimo Kissies

A tiny sneak peek of the gorgeous twins I met this morning….who coincidentally are only 2 days older than my Miss McKenna.  Not sure why that matters to you all so much, but I thought it was pretty darn cool.

I loved watching their connection and interaction with each other and once again…looooooonged for a sister of my own just watching them!


Little Dude Nate is ONE!!

Holy smokes.  Where does time go??  I mean, I have accepted the reality of time passing us by at home, but when we scheduled Nate’s one year session, I was floored that it had already been a year.  I mean, I was JUST there, photographing his adorably squishy newborn face…and JUST there capturing that three month smile…and JUST there watching the belly laughs escape from an itty bitty 8 month old tummy.  Now, he’s one.  Did I say holy smokes?

He’s turned into such a little man (and that tie…..guuuuuuuush!!!).  And his expressions crack.  me.  up.  I could have played (um, I mean photographed) him all day long.  Happy birthday Nate!!


Bobbi Miles -

Love Love Love!

Heather J Chase -

Darn he is cute!

Lyndell Hudzik Spies -

Oh my gosh…what a cutie! GREAT reactions! Everyday must be a joy!

Sam :)

I know I am so ridiculously far behind on blogging.  I do plan to catch up (promise!!).  So if you don’t see your pretty face on here yet, I sincerely apologize!

For now, just a quick peek at sweet Sam, who I had the pleasure of meeting this fine Tuesday morning.

The Bagyis are Movin’

Not to worry, only about 10 miles away so nothing much is changing for my clients, but it does mean limited access to emails this week. Oh, and did I mention that we are leaving for our family vacation this Saturday?  Yeah, when it rains, it pours here at the Bagyi household this month.  I will do my best to respond to emails this week (albiet a bit slowly), but will be shutting off the phone and computer for the entire week of July 23rd….my family deserves at least one week a year of my complete undivided attention!

So if you are waiting on a gallery or print order, I will be working like a madwoman the week of July 30th to get everyone everything they need.  Thank y’all for your patience!

Now back to the sea of boxes, tape and bubble wrap that have completely taken over my sanity…errrr, I mean life.  :)


-Dania  xoxo

Old Friends…

Some people are just not to be forgotten.  No matter how long it’s been or how far they may be…they forever remain in your heart.  Grace is one of those people to me. We spent countless hours as teenagers breaking the rules, laughing, crying and doing all those crazy things teens do.  I’ll spare y’all the details, but lets just say we had some damn good times.  I was thrilled when she contacted me about doing a family session with her new bundle of joy Isaiah.  It was so great to catch up after so many years and capture some lovely family images I hope she cherishes for a lifetime.  :)


I know there are a sea of professional photographers out there to chose from….so it’s always an extreme honor when I’m the one entrusted to capture your family.  It’s even more of an honor when a family from Boston {where there must be hundreds of wonderful photographers} choses lil’ old ME as their family photographer.  This family is not only beautiful, but FUN!  I LOVE fun families.  By now, you all know my style and know that I’m not much for the “sit here, stand there, ok now…say CHEEEEEEEESE.”  I like stepping back while families interact and capturing those raw moments between them.  I often tell people “forget I’m here…just play.”  And I mean it.  That is when I get the absolute best images.  I may have silently squealed a dozen times during this session as I hit the shutter button knowing I was capturing such moments.  I hope you can hear the laughter as much as I can while viewing them…

Holly -

Thank you so much, Dania. I absolutely LOVE these! Can’t wait to see the rest :)

Holly -

Thank you so much, Dania! I LOVE THESE!

Carolyn -

Dania, These are gorgeous! Holly, I don’t know if you remember me from elementary school but you have a beautiful family!

Terrie -

Mr. Adorable does it again!