Little Dude Nate is ONE!!

Holy smokes.  Where does time go??  I mean, I have accepted the reality of time passing us by at home, but when we scheduled Nate’s one year session, I was floored that it had already been a year.  I mean, I was JUST there, photographing his adorably squishy newborn face…and JUST there capturing that three month smile…and JUST there watching the belly laughs escape from an itty bitty 8 month old tummy.  Now, he’s one.  Did I say holy smokes?

He’s turned into such a little man (and that tie…..guuuuuuuush!!!).  And his expressions crack.  me.  up.  I could have played (um, I mean photographed) him all day long.  Happy birthday Nate!!


Bobbi Miles -

Love Love Love!

Heather J Chase -

Darn he is cute!

Lyndell Hudzik Spies -

Oh my gosh…what a cutie! GREAT reactions! Everyday must be a joy!