PHOTO-A-DAY ~ day 17

I have been blessed with children who absolutely adore(d) their cribs.  Much like Kennedy (when she was in a crib anyways), McKenna rarely makes a peep when put to bed and wakes up happy as a lark to hang out for as long as I’ll let her.  Many mornings, I’m not even aware she’s awake until I turn on the video monitor to check…and 9 times out of 10 she is sitting there quiet as a mouse “reading” a book or playing.  Maybe it’s the magic that appears to be in those Pottery Barn Kids Chamois blankets.  Neither girl has ever developed a real strong attachment to any blanket or stuffed animal, but Kennedy will still drag hers when she sneaks in to snuggle each morning and McKenna always seems to have a corner of it in her mouth when I go in to get her.  If this is the extent of their attachments, I consider myself a lucky woman.

I couldn’t choose between the two pictures this morning as they both perfectly depict her cherished quiet time, so you get two today.  :)
It’s little moments like these I vow never to forget…