photo a day . . . day 1

For those of you who joined us last year…welcome back!  For those who are not familiar, this is a personal project I take on each February.  Each day, I’ll post a picture that provides a glimpse into our family, our life and our typical everyday.  I often find I’m so immersed in my clients’ lives and galleries that I don’t always remember to document those moments in our life that mean just so much to me.  This project helps me refocus on capturing those small moments that in fact, aren’t really small at all.

Oh Miss McKenna, today was a rough, rough day for you…
the result of a stick and some missing skin from a large portion of the roof of your mouth.
After a trip to the docs and a few popsicles later,
we headed to the only spot in the world you could grin like this despite the pain…
it involved a wonderfully cozy rocker, “lanket” {which is almost always to be found between your teeth} and,
best of all,
your momma.