photo a day . . . day 14

Yep, I’m a bad photog mommy.  I didn’t do personalized photo valentines cards and I didn’t do a “themed” valentines day shoot with my girls.  Shame on me.  BUT, if you know me (and most of you do), I’m not really a super themey kinda gal.  I like images that are timeless…and involve very little distraction from my pretty subjects.  Not to say busy themed images aren’t adorable when done right and all…but the amount of effort I’d have to go through to achieve a set up that’s up to my standards is not a top priority for really no purpose other than proving I can.  I sorta live by the “go big or go home” mentality.  Yeah, I’m making some compelling arguments here aren’t I?  Sooooo…instead of pretty paper hearts, balloons and lollipops, I just took them outside (separately since they refused to be outside at the same time for some weirdo reason) and let them stop around in the sun and snow while I quietly snapped away.  Now these are ones I’ll frame and cherish.  Because they are so perfectly them.  Kennedy’s messy just-home-from school hair, huge smile and squinty happy eyes….McKenna’s cute little profile and can’t-be-tamed hair that parts just enough to see her sweet little birthmark poke through.  No pressure….no directing…just happy.  I totally love them…absent candy hearts and all things pink.

So maybe I’m not so bad afterall.  :)