photo a day . . . day 12

I took about a zillion pictures yesterday hoping one of them would jump out as “the one” to use for the photo a day.  I loved them all for various reasons, but as we made our way up to bed last night and I saw McKenna crashed out on the “bridge”, I just knew this had to be the one.  Despite it being practically pitch dark, leading to a not so technically correct image (can’t wait to see how fb butchers it), I LOVE it.  Every bit of it is so perfectly her and just needed to be captured…lighting shmighting.  Although we can see the door to her room from the couch below, she’s not truly content unless she can see us through the banister.  So why fight it?  If she receives comfort and security from sleeping in the hall and feeling just a little closer to us, it’s a-ok with me.  It won’t last forever.  There will be a time when she can’t wait to get in that room and close the door and keep us at a distance.  So I’ll take these moments and hold onto them tight.  Not all of life’s best happen in the best of light…or distraction free…or with the perfect hair and clothing…so I refuse to let those things stop me from preserving them.  :)