PHOTO-A-DAY ~ day 23

I’m thrilled Bean loves school, but I’m also thrilled to have her all to myself these vacation weeks.  I like not having to rush out of the house each morning and stress about whether or not she’ll nap…knowing if she doesn’t, it means an early bedtime that evening.  I like being able to do more Kennedy focused activities to fill our time all week.  McKenna goes down for nap about an hour earlier than Kennedy so I promised her we would do a mani party before her nap time today.  We stopped at Rite Aid so she could pick out whatever color she wanted.  She picked orange and a sparkle top coat.  Then she picked out green…so we bought all three and by the time we got home she had settled on orange.  Until about 2 minutes after this picture was snapped, where she decided she wanted green instead.  So off to nap she goes with green nails, with just a tint of orange still left in the cuticles.  :)